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The group with Lama Rabsang


A non-sectarian group in the Tibetan tradition, we welcome everyone who is interested in finding out more about Buddhism. 


We are a small group of mixed experience and ages - some have only recently started meditation, others have been practising for many years.


We are also an open group, and in addition to the meditation sessions, we generally review and discuss a variety of teachings and perspectives on the Dharma which are of interest to group members. 


The structure of the Thursday evening session is typically:


  • 7.15 - 7.30 Arrive. Brief social chat

  • 7.35 Short prayer session in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition

  • 7.40 Sitting Meditation (which may be a guided meditation)

  • 8.05 Tea and biscuits

  • 8.20 Video projection or audio playback of a chosen speaker or Dharma topic, followed by discussion

  • 9pm end of session


During the course of the year we generally have visiting Dharma teachers who run weekend workshops. Teaching weekends usually are from 10.00am - 4.00pm approx. Members bring vegatarian food to share for lunch.




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